Denman School fonds

DENMAN SCHOOL fonds – 1890 – present – 20 cm. of textual records and photos, drawings and art

The Denman School began operation in 1878 on the site of the present Old School. In 1989 the new Community School opened (Grades K-8) at the present site in downtown Denman. The Denman School Fonds is broken up into 2 sous fonds, the first containing work by students and the second administrative material and items related to school sponsored events. The Denman Community School itself holds textual material and photos in its own archives.

See also (A.18.34.21) Loc.A-H-3 School in the Doras Kirk Collection fonds

STUDENT WORK sous fonds – 1904 – 1954 – 3 cm. of textual records and drawings and art

This sous fonds contains six items: 1. (A.18.10,1-3) – Loc.A-H-1 –  Our School Clarion, 3 issues of a student literary newsletter of about 20 letter size, one sided pages. It is estimated that the Clarion dates from the 1930’s. These issues are in an envelope indicating they may have been donated by Ann Graham. There is also also (97.3.1-4) – Loc.A-H-1 – Our School Clarion, 4 issues of the same publication, 3 of which are the same issues as contained in (A.18.10.1-3). The issues in (97.3.1-4) are in better condition than the others. 2. (A.18.62) – Loc.A-F-3  –  School Scrapbook, a 30 pp. scrapbook of from about a Grade 5 Social Studies class in 1954 with handwritten essays , drawings and pasted in clippings. This item was found by Richard Sauve and donated by Randy Duncan. 3. (A.18.89) – Loc.A-H-10  –  School Geography Workbook, a small handwritten workbook with hand drawn maps possibly Winnie Baikie’s from 1915, from about Grade 9.  4. (A18.101) – Loc.A-F-7  –  Psychology School Workbook, a 175 pp. handwritten high school psychology workbook of Eva Woodward’s in 1904 complete with some doodles. 5. (A.18.107) – Loc.A-H-10  –  School Workbooks Winnie Baikie, two 28 pp. notebooks, one science and one history (1916) of Winnie Baikie’s  (Isbister). The Canadian history book is about grade 10, the science maybe grade 7.  6. (A.19.08) – Loc.A-H-4 – School Newspapers (1971), 2 identical issues of “High Tidings” and 1 issue of “Island Tidings”, all 8 pp. each of elementary students literary work. They are legal sized mimeographed sheets. Donated by Joan Wines.

ADMINISTRATIVE MATERIAL and EVENTS sous fonds – 1872 – 1989  –  15 cm. of textual records and photos

This sous fonds contains twelve items: 1. (A.18.26) – Loc.A-H-10 – Denman School Photos, two class photos from 1886 and 1900, two photocopies of early photos, the 1872 rules for teachers, the program and clippings from the opening of the new school in 1989 as well as a formal invitation to a Mrs. G. Bell to the 1989 event. 2. (A.18.34) – Loc.A-F-3  –  School Register, the Denman Island School Register of students, 1882-1989 (some missing) 150 pp. These are photocopies of the originals. 3. (A.18.85) – Loc.A-F-3  –  School Photos, one class photo 1936-37 and 4 photocopies of photos of students in the 1930’s. The school archives holds the actual photos of some of these images. 4. (A.18.102) – Loc,A-F-7  –  Denman Island School Visitors Book, a 100 pp. visitors book from Aug. 1895 to May 1929 where people signed in when visiting the school. 5. (A.18.106) – Loc.A-H-10  –  Denman School Ephemera, three items (programs and invitation) from the opening of the new school in 1989, and 4 report cards from Grades 1-7.  6. (A.18.108) – box  –  School Roll of Honour, framed 22×30 cm. certificate awarded to Edward Piercy for deportment in 1901.  7. (A.18.119) – Loc.A-F-4  –  Photos – School Opening is 7 b/w 4”x6” photo reprints plus negs. of the school opening in 1989 taken by Brian Grogan and donated by Stirling Fraser.  8. (A.18.114) – Loc.A-F-4  –  “Cooking With Class – Vol. II” is an 80 pp. 15×23 cm. spiral bound cookbook produced by Denman School for fundraising purposes containing recipes by parents.  9. (A.19.21 a-b) – Loc. A-H-9 or museum table  –  School Photos 1975 is 2 b/w photos of 2 elem. school classes in 1975 taken in front of the old school by Paul Bailey. The students are named. Donated by Paul Bailey.  10. (A.20.12) – Loc.A-H-12  –  School Register 1878-1882 is a 26×38 cm. 36pp. official school register of student attendance at the first Denman Is. School plus letters from Michael Piercy and Winnie Isbister and 2 news clippings from 1969 and 2004. 11. (A.22.13) – Loc.A-H-11 – “Cooking With Class – Vol. I” is a 94 pp. spiral bound cookbook produced by the Denman School around 1983. It contains photos and bios of the students as well. 12. (A.20.22) – Loc.A-F-5  –  School Photos, display are 4 large format class photo reproductions from the 60s, 70s, and 80s by Pat Kelly.

Additional material can be found in the Archive Clipping FilesSchool(A.18.34.21) – Loc. A-H-3. This contains newspaper clippings from the 1960’s to the 1980’s, essays on school history, and photos of classes and individuals.