Doris Kirk Collection fonds

      DORAS KIRK COLLECTION fonds – 1861 – 2008   –  53 cm. of textual records, photos, maps, books, and ephemera

Doras Kirk (1918-1997) and her husband Jim moved to Denman Island in 1950 to take over the operation of the general store which they ran for 16 years. During that time Doras began to collect items from Denman and set aside a corner in the store to display them. After they sold the store she moved the collection to her nearby house where people could come and look at it. In the late 70’s the Kirks moved to a new house up the hill near the United Church away from downtown Denman. By this time the collection was getting large and having it in a more remote location spurred Doras to offer the collection to a community group that could better manage it and display it. The Seniors Society accepted the challenge in 1979 and in 1983 had a structure built to house the collection. Between 1983 and 1994 the Museum was in what is now the Seniors Lounge and then after a new addition to the building in 1994 the Museum has been in its present location.

All of the material acquired by the Museum and Archives up to 1983 was collected by Doras Kirk. Material in the M&A collected from 1983 into the 90’s may have been collected by Doras with the help of others. So the M&A has been generous in placing later material post 1983 in this fonds.

Note. Alternate spelling – Doris Kirk.

GENERAL STORE sous fonds – 1909-1922 – 2 cm. ledger

(A.18.6) – Loc.A-F-2  –  This sous fonds contains one item, a 21×32 cm. ledger book listing the accounts of various islanders at the general store. Only the first 36 pages of 400 were used. Only the entries from 1909 are well organized, after that they tend to be haphazard and look incomplete. The cover boards are badly broken.

PUBLICATIONS sous fonds – 1861 -1910 – 2cm. of published material

This sous fonds contains 4 items.

1. (A.18.14) – Loc.A-F-2  –  Lovell’s General Geography, 1861, 100 pp. A pre-confederation school text on world geography with maps, text and illustrations which belonged to Archy Kennedy of Denman Island and is inscribed as such.

2. (A.18.30) – Loc.A-H-10  –  A.E. Rea & Co., Montreal Catalogue, 1910, 65 pp. A mail order catalogue of dry goods and household items.

3. X83.45.9b – Loc.A-H-1  –  Physical Culture – March 1930 is a 150pp. magazine on health and fitness. Both covers are missing. It was published in New York.

4. (A.19.01) – Loc.A-F-4  –  “Goosegrass and Buttercups” by D.C. Kirk is a 132 pp. 15×20 cm. paperbound book written by Doras Kirk. It is her account of growing up in Quebec in the Ottawa Valley and on Cortes Island. Donated by Barry Landeen.

DORAS KIRK SUBJECT FILES – ARCHIVES sous fonds – 1888– 2008  – 40 cm. of textual records and photos

This series is the Archives clipping file started by Doras Kirk and added to by others over the years. Some items contain not only newspaper clippings but correspondence, notes, photos and ephemera. Linda Schmidt in 2015 and then Barry Landeen in 2018 have been the most recent ones to very lightly organize these files. Very little has been added to the files since the mid 1990’s. The following is a list of all 68 subjects in the file which are in alphabetical order in Boxes A-H-2 and A-H-2a (A to L), and Boxes A-H-3 and A-H-3a (M to Z). Dates are attached to items if available. Not all items are dated.

(A.18.33.1) Agricultural Fair is a photocopy of the Prize List for the 1925 Denman Fall Fair. It is 16 pages and lists the 162 categories in the competition and the associated prize money along with 9 pages of ads. Also included are the rules of the competition and the directors of the Denman Island Agricultural and Industrial Association.

(A.18.33.2) Anglican Church is 7 small b/w photos of the church in an envelope dated 1972 by Doras Kirk accompanied by negatives. Also there are 2 photocopies of photos of the church from 1919 and 1990. Also one clipping from 1959 of Canon Greene and a letter from the Anglican Synod to Doras answering queries about the history of the church which was built in 1914.

(A.18.33.3) Anniversaries is clippings of wedding anniversaries and birthdays of Mr. & Mrs. Ed Graham, Irene and Harold Walton, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pickles, Mr. & Mrs. James Nixon. The notices are from 1959 to 1978. Also a photocopy from the Flagstone 2008 covering the Dalziel reunion and a handwritten invitation to T. Isbisters to attend the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. James Corrigall.

(A.18.33.4) Aquaculture is 3 small b/w photos of Al Scott oystering at Henry Bay (1940’s?) and 2 clippings from the 1970’s of the Schmidts oyster harvesting on Denman. Also a clipping on Ted and Robbie Kirk harvesting sea cucumbers. And a magazine article on the oyster industry.

(A.18.33.5) Arts and Crafts contains 4 envelopes of material. Pottery contains clippings, brochures and photos (1950’s – 1991) of island potters Janet Moe, Bentley LeBaron, Patti Meyer (Willis), Gordon Hutchens, Manny Meyer, Tom Dennis, Bev Meyer, Shirley Phillips, Marjo VanTooren, and Doras Kirk. Also tour guides for the 3rd and 6th (1990, 1993) Pottery Studio Tours on Denman and a pamphlet on the history of pottery on Denman.

(A.18.33.6) Birds contains 8 clippings on Rufous and Anna’s hummingbirds, Bonapate gulls, and Great Blue Herons and a 1982 Christmas count from Deep bay. A number of the articles were written by Doras Kirk. The clippings date from 1971 to 1987.

(A.18.33.7) Business is one clipping from 1983 on the Denman Island Guest House operated by Bob Okrainec. The Burroughs family lived there for the previous 60 years.

(A.18.33.8) Cemetery is one clipping from 1976, a photo by Trudy Vince of a crew doing cemetery maintenance. People in the photo are Bill and Walter Millard, Archie and Jack Piercy.

(A.18.33.9) Centennials is a Prov. Gov’t invitation to the 1966 centennial of the union of the colonies of Vancouver Island and mainland British Columbia, and the 1967 centennial of Canadian Confederation. Also 8 negatives (2 ¼ x 2 ¼) of a centennial dinner by taken by Doras Kirk.

(A.18.33.10) Chrome Island Light contains photos, photocopies and a clipping. The clipping from 1959 by Doras Kirk outlining the history of the lighthouse on Chrome Island (Yellow Rock). There is a photocopy of a chapter on Chrome Island from the book “Lights of the Inside Passage”. There are 3 photos of Chrome Island from the 1910’s? to 1974, one of keeper Jack Doney.

(A.18.33.11) Community Hall contains 5 clippings (1971-1989) concerning hall renovations in 1972 and 1989. There is mention of the installation of the “white boy” plaque in 1972 by the Legion, plaque donated by Archie Piercy. Another clipping covers a “Nite Club” event at the hall probably 1960’s. Also a b/w photo of the hall from the 1970’s and a short typewritten history of the Community Hall.

(A.18.33.12) Conservation contains 6 clippings. Three are on the conservation of the Beaver Pond on Pickles Road (1961 &77 & 80), 2 are on logging on Komas Bluffs (1984), and one concerns the shooting of a cougar on Lacon (1982)

(A.18.33.13) Courtenay contains 3 original (18 x 24 cm.) photos of the construction of the 5th St. bridge, a coal train from Cumberland, and a Courtenay sawmill. They appear to be from the very early 20th Cent.

(A.18.33.14) Denman (Lord) Name contains material relating to the naming of Denman Island after Lord Joseph Denman as well as unrelated clippings. There is one clipping on the naming by Doras Kirk and about 25 pages of material on Joseph Denman photocopied from biographical dictionaries and peerage records. Also 2 pages of handwritten notes likely by Doras and a letter from the Prov. Archives outlining research possibilities for finding out more about Lord Denman. Also a copy of a photo of Captain Richards. Unrelated is a clipping describing clippings found in a scrapbook in the Lorne Hotel in Comox (wreck of the Flora)  and a clipping on the history of the Crease family and reviews of books by John Emmerson and R.C. Mayne.

(A.18.33.15) Elkhaven – Ormiston contains 2 clippings (1971- & 72) on the Elkhaven camp for underprivileged kids and new Canadians. Also photos of Mr. & Mrs. Ormiston and the entrance gate, and a negative (2 ¼ x 2 ¼) of the Ormiston house. There is a 2-page typed bio of Jack Boulton, caretaker at the Ormiston farm and a photocopy of a display of Ormiston history accompanied by photos

(A.18.33.16) Fanny Bay contains one clipping (1971) on Fanny Bay’s Japanese settlement.

(A.18.33.17) Farming contains about 20 clippings (1950’s – 85) on topics such as welsh ponies, tofu, mushrooms, barns, tea, turnips, irrigation and Japanese settlement. Also a 2012 Denman local food directory and a prospectus for a horsemanship training camp. Included are 11 small photos (1910’s?-1969) of a Piercy barn raising, flower growing, windmill, horse farm, ploughing, apple press, goats.

(A.18.33.18) Ferries & Shipwreck contains approx. 40 clippings on the Denman ferry service (1922-86) and a dozen photos (1903-80). There is also a photo of the Flora wreck and an article from the Rag and Bone on the wreck of the Alpha. Also a contact sheet of photos of the Catherine Graham and about 45 negatives, both 35 and 2 ¼ x 2 ¼ .

(A.18.33.19) Fillongley contains 7 clippings (1960-2004) on Beadnell history, fish conservation, lawn bowling, and park donation; 6 photocopies of photographs of the Beadnell property (1910’s); 3 small photos of the gardens (1950’s?); three 2 ¼ x 2 ¼ negatives; one 10 x 15 cm. cracked glass negative of a woman on the Beadnell porch; a letter to Doras Kirk from a second cousin of George Beadnell recounting memories of the Beadnells (1960); a 2 page annotated history of the Beadnell family (1959); and some informal notes on Beadnell history.

See also (A.20.23) – Loc.A-H-9  Beadnell – Fillongly photos

(A.18.33.20) Firehall contains 6 clippings (1976-2002) on the building of the firehall, a fire and a service award to Graeme Johnston. Also 6 photos (1982 – 2002) of pancake breakfast, fire crew, Graeme Johnston, Rescue 53 with Joy Lance and Marcus Isbister.

(A.18.33.21) Fire Lookout & Lighthouse contains one clipping (1961) and 2 photos, one from 1965 when the lookout was dismantled, and one of what appears to be a lighthouse perhaps at Village Point.

(A.18.33.22) First Nations contains 6 clippings (1966-1984) on coastal native history, pole carving and Henry Assu, the Comox Big House, basket weaving, bottle hunting, and Adam Horne and the Qualicum band. Also a magazine article on Haida basketry and 5 photos of petroglyphs, baskets, and the Comox band 1901. Also one handwritten page of notes on photos not in the folder. See also (A.18.34.15)  Loc.A-H-3 Petroglyphs in the Doras Kirk Collection

(A.18.33.23) Fishing is 24 clippings (1959 – 1985) on commercial fishing (herring, salmon, halibut) and sport fishing; Denman fishing history; children’s fishing derby; and fish identification. Also one small photo of the herring fleet 1949.

(A.18.33.24) Garden Tour contains 3 clippings (1991) on Des and Sandy Kennedy’s garden and Sudasi Gardener’s garden

(A.18.33.25) History Background contains 20 clippings (1930’s? – 1968); German gun on Denman; Adam Horne on Denman and a mysterious crypt; seeing the King; the Beaver Pond; Denman history, Orkney; various short pieces on Denman news and events; the Princetown community at the south end of Denman. Also an article by Jim Kirk on the Pig War and 2 pages of handwritten notes (probably Doras Kirk) on Denman history; a small map with the settlement of Quadra on Denman marked on it; and a photo from 1910 of Mrs. Roberts at Nanoose Bay.

(A.18.33.26) History Regional contains 9 clippings (1957 – 1969) of long articles on Vancouver Island history including an extensive one on Adam Horne who has a Denman connection. One of the articles is on Savary Island. Also a large format photo of the blowing up of Ripple Rock and a 50 page booklet on 100 years of Courtenay history 2015. Also a photocopy of a booklet on the 1964 Alberni tidal wave.

(A.18.33.27) Hydro contains 6 clippings (1957-1976) on BC Hydro power supply issues on the island and 2 clippings on oil exploration on the island. Also one blueprint of the hydro crossing between Denman and Hornby.

(A.18.33.28) Homes -photos contains one clipping (1991) and 20 photos (3 of which are photocopies) of Denman homes (1900 -1950). Homes included are Russell, MacMillan, Lacon, McLean, Piercy, McFarlan, Scott, Nelson, Dalziel, Hadley, Swan, Community Hall, Sawmill, Baikie, Ormiston, and General Store.

(A.18.33.29) Islands Trust contains 14 clippings (1971- 1981) on Islands trust issues such as the burning of the bylaws, subdivision, trust elections, log dumps, DIAL vs. DIRA, pesticides.

(A.18.33.30) Lace Club contains 4 clippings (1969-1983) on the activities of the Denman Lace Club; a 10-page letter size booklet celebrating 80 years of the Denman Lace Club in 1999; a 5-page instruction booklet of lace stitches photocopied; 80th and 50th anniversary serviettes; an invitation to the 50th anniv.; and an explanation of the lace display in the museum. See also (A.18.11.10) Doras Kirk Display Files-Lace Club

(A.18.33.31) Lacons contains 3 clippings (1912-1972) on Hilda Lacon’s marriage, Hilda’s European travels (1950’s?), and a bio of Hilda including her survival of the Titanic disaster. Also a certificate of tribute to Munitions Workers in WW I; 2 large format mylar negatives of photos of the WWI boat sinking; and a recently typed brief bio of Hilda Lacon. There are also photos from the 1980’s in (A.19.01 a-d) Loc. A-H-9. See also (A.20.3) Loc.A-H-9 for Cyril Lacon.

(A.18.33.32) Lakes contains 2 clippings (1966-1976) on Chickadee Lake and 2 photos of Chickadee Henderson) Lake and Graham (Dickson) Lake.

(A.18.33.33) Legion contains 12 clippings (1960-1984) on Remembrance Day ceremonies; Legion awards, both to students and veterans; and general war history (one written by Bill Marler). There are also over 20 photos of servicemen and women in both WW I and WW II and of veterans in more recent years, and of the crash of a Voodoo on Denman and of a Japanese balloon bomb on Denman. Also a handwritten letter from a soldier in the British Expeditionary Force to a Denman resident at Swamp Farm in 1916.

(A.18.33.34) Library contains 2 clippings on the establishment of the Denman Community Library by Dora Drinkwater (1991) and 1 clipping from earlier years, Mrs. Burroughs librarian.

(A.18.33.35) Logging contains one clipping (1969), a photo of an early logging operation. There are 10 photocopies of photos of early logging and milling on Denman, and 13 photos (1910’s -1971) of logging. Also typed notes identifying men in an early photo and a few notes on sawmilling on Denman.

(A.18.34.1) Maps contains photocopies of maps of the Henry Bay Logging Railroad (1929); the Inland Highway route Mud Bay to Buckley Bay and on to Courtenay (1998); and 2 tourist maps of Denman around 2000.

(A.18.34.2) Market contains 6 clippings (1974- 1985) of the Denman Saturday market at the Community hall.

(A.18.34.3) Medical – Doctors contains 4 clippings circa 1977 mostly around Dr. Stafford-Meyer and his family.

(A.18.34.4) Minerals, Geology, Fossils contains 3 items; a typed description of minerals, handwritten notes on minerals, and handwritten notes on fossils.

(A.18.34.5) Money contains 2 pieces of paper money, a 5 franc note and a one shilling military scrip from WW II

(A.18.34.6) Museums – Denman Island contains only 2 clippings from the 1995 opening of the current museum. There are 2 versions of the museum’s history; 1987 and 1988 reports of the Museum Committee; a letter from Tess Trueman outlining financial planning and fundraising for the Senior and Museum building, 1981; lists of museum attendants 1978, 1987, 1988, 1990; financial reports, DSMS policy, membership from various years between 1986 and 1990; a handwritten letter from the Nanaimo Historical Society outlining a visit to the museum 1989; handwritten historical notes likely by Doras Kirk; a letter from Lynette Harper asking the museum to be involved in a museum study 1993; correspondence from Prov. And Fed. Gov’t bodies pertaining to museums 1980’s; a certificate to Doras Kirk for completing a seminar in Museum Studies; a financial statement and correspondence for a student employment program 1983; a workbook from Karen Sommer (1983) outlining hours and tasks; and letters to Doras Kirk from gov’t agencies on how to go about setting up a public museum.

(A.18.34.7) Museums – General contains 4 clippings (1974-1983) on Vancouver Island museums; 2 issues (1984) of the Discovery, BC Prov. Museum Quarterly; and a publication from Australia on grave posts.

(A.18.34.8) My Ain Folk Revisited contains 9 photosof churches, ferries,fire dept., ambulance, dentist, and school used in Jim Kirk’s book My Ain Folk Revisited. Also 7 photocopies of other images used in the book.

(A.18.34.9) Myra Veness Bells contains one clipping describing Myra Veness’s bell collection. See also (A.18.11.3) Doras Kirk Display Files – Bell Lady

(A.18.34.10) Negatives contains a few hundred negatives, mostly from a 2 ¼ x 2 ¼ twin lens camera with some 35 mm. likely taken by Doras Kirk around 1972 of scenes and people on Denman. Included are contact sheets of some of the photos along with a few actual photos, 2 of John Carlson at Princetown 1980. Also one glass plate negative (5 x 7) of what appears to be the painting of the death of Wolfe by Benjamin West.

(A.18.34.11) Newspaper Clippings contains close to 100 clippings, most from the 60’s and 70’s and 15 photos. One envelope contains only pieces written by Doras Kirk. They appear to be unsorted clippings that were waiting to be sorted and filed, which was then never done. It is expected that this will be done in the near future.

(A.18.34.12) Obituaries contains 67 clippings (1939 – 1988) of obituaries of Denman residents along with 2 memorial cards and one typed obit.

(A.18.34.13) Oyster Festival contains 4 clippings (1976 – 1980) of the Denman Oyster Festival and 11 b/w photos of one festival and 19 colour photos of another.

(A.18.34.14) Parks contains 2 clippings (1979-1989) on the creation of Boyle Point Park and garbage dumping at Fillongley Park.

(A.18.34.15) Petroglyphs contains one clipping (1975) and 10 photos and 4 slides. The slides are of petroglyphs on Quadra Island. The photos are of petroglyphs on Chrome Island and the clipping is a review of a book on petroglyphs. There is also a 5 page typed article on the Chrome Island petroglyphs by Doras Kirk complete with annotations.

(A.18.34.16) Pioneer Families contains 7 clippings (1962-1984) on Elizabeth Graham, a Piercy reunion, William Millard and John Carlson and Winnie Isbister. Also a photo of the Graham – Harmston family in 1905

(A.18.34.17) Quarry contains one clipping on the history of the quarry and 2 photos of the quarry (1930?) as well as handwritten notes on the quarry by Doras Kirk and a typed letter to Doras, possibly from Winnie Isbister.  For a description of the quarry and the stone see “Report on the Building and Ornamental Stones of Canada” Vol. 5, pp. 33 – 37. Available online.

(A.18.34.18) Ratepayers (DIRA) contains 11 clippings (1960’s – 1980)) on subdivision rezoning, bylaws, water issues, roads, hydro rates, and logging.

(A.18.34.19) Roads, Public Works contains 12 clippings (1959-1985) on various roadworks, a fuel shortage, and a protest group, Alternatives for Community and Environment, against the widening of roads. Also one photo of an excavator working (1980’s?).

(A.18.34.20) Scouts & Girl Guides contains 4 clippings (1960’s?), two on scouts, two on guides, and 3 photos of Denman guides from 1938 and probably earlier. Also a thank you card (1987) from Crystal Isbister.

(A.18.34.21) School contains 22 clippings, envelope 1, (1950’s – 1985) (2 are photocopies) on student awards, a mysterious plaque, school events, school history, school district politics, shool construction, retirements. In envelope 2 there is a photocopy of a column by Himie Koshevoy,1989, on the school; an article by Graham Brazier on Educ. Minister Eileen Dailly; a page of questions on Denman history relating to “My Ain Folk”; a history of the stained-glass windows in the school by Dennis Brady; a 5 page history of the school on Denman with colour photos; a program from an art show; and handwritten note on early teachers. In envelope 3 there are 20 photos (1913 – 1970’s) of students in class pictures and at school events. Not all students are identified. Envelope 4 contains 2 photos taken at the opening of the new school, 1989, and a class photo from 1943. There are also 2 sets of negatives taken by Doras Kirk in the 1970’s (35mm. and 2 ¼ x 2 ¼ ) some of which are of students. Outside envelopes are 3 original large format b/w photos of Denman school classes from 1888, 1889, and 1900.

(A.18.34.22) Seniors Hall – Museum contains 21 clippings (1970’s – 1995) on the organization, planning, fundraising and building of the Seniors Activity Centre and Museum and one clipping on the museum as it was at Doras Kirk’s home. There is a contact sheet of photos and one enlargement of the opening of the museum 1995 and 2 photos of the building in 1994 and 2001; 3 photos and one transparency of museum objects by Lynn Thompson; a photo of the sod breaking for the building in 1982; 2 polaroids of the building in 1982 and of construction in 1982. Also a roster of museum attendants and ph. nos. in 1990, and a letter (1979) from Doras Kirk to the Ratepayers assoc. asking if they are interested in taking over the museum complete with a list of museum items.

(A.18.34.23) Stores contains one clipping (1979) on the general store and 7 photos  of the store (1920’s – 1950’s), and a Christmas card with a photo the store in the 1950’s.

(A.18.34.24) Telephone contains 4 clippings (1961-1972) on telephone upgrades on the island and one photo (1970’s) of Tel. installation. Also a photocopy of 2 photos of Winnie Isbister at the exchange (1930’s). There are also 2 itemized telephone bills for Winnie Isbister’s exchange from Jan.1953 and Feb. 1954.

(A.18.34.25) Theatre – Performance contains 2 clippings (1984-1989) on theatre productions on Denman and a program from Scrooge.

(A.18.34.26) Tourism contains 6 clippings (1959-1983) on the tourist attractions on Denman, the (un)welcome sign at the ferry, and a column on Denman characters. Also 2 visitor guides from 1993 and 2014.

(A.18.34.27) Tree Island contains 2 clippings (1975) on the creation of the provincial park.

(A.18.34.28) United Church contains 3 clippings (1977 -1981) on renovations, Easter service, font donation, and chancel curtains. Also an undated photo of the building likely 1950’s or earlier.

(A.18.34.29) Water Witching contains one clipping (1981) on dowser Marcus Isbister.

(A.18.34.30) Weather contains 19 clippings (1959 -1962) of weather reporting and events on Denman and one on the installation of equipment.

(A.18.34.31) Weddings contains 6 clippings (1960-1981) of weddings on Denman: McGee-Isbister; Maylea-Mee with six 2 ¼ x 2 ¼ negs. ; Oatts-Heckrath; Booth-Kirk; and vanderLann-Stafford-Meyer with 4 photos.

(A.18.34.32) Wildlife – Nature contains 2 clippings; one (1920s?) on prov. Hunting regulations which mention pheasant hunting on Denman. And one (1960) of a 1911 photo of bear hunting on Denman. There are 5 mounted pages from magazines on sockeye, tree-toads, hornets, animal tracks and a sea lion. Also a letter from Dept. of Fisheries in response to a query from Doras Kirk on coral identification (1979).

(A.18.34.33) Women’s Institute contains 12 clippings (1950s? – 1994) on the Institutes activities and members. There is also 3 photos of members; one from the 1920s and one from 1930 and from 1978. There are 3 certificates from 1929, 1976, and 1979, a letter to Doras Kirk, and Winnie Isbister’s and Dora Drinkwater’s service pins. Also a 17 page typed manuscript on Women’s Institute history and Denman Island history which also mostly appears in Winnie Isbister’s book “My Ain Folk”. There is also one handwritten page on the Institute’s travelling library project.

DORAS KIRK SUBJECT FILES – PIONEERS sous fonds – 1903 – 1960  – 2 cm. of textual material plus photos

This series includes material on various non-First Nations pioneers who settled on Denman Island beginning in the 1870’s.

(A. Doras Kirk Display – Pioneers #2 – Loc.A-H-1  –  This item contains .5 cm. of textual records and 20 photos and 6 photocopies of photos. The photos are of Denman pioneer families as are the handwritten notes, some of which is on Women’s Institute letterhead. Photocopies are of larger scenes and of a Denman Directory from 1925.

(A.18.18) Griffin Family Farm – Loc.A-F-2)  –  Handwritten memory book with b/w photos recording a visit Charlotte and Will Stone made in 1954 to the farm of Mrs. Alice Griffin on Denman Island. The farm was near Village Point and the Fire Lookout. Oystering and water witching are talked about.

(A.18.11.20) Doras Kirk Biographies – Loc.A-H-10  – Small spiralbound school notebook of handwritten notes on Denman pioneer families and Denman history probably written in the 50’s and 60’s partially from articles in local papers, or they were notes for articles Doras wrote for those papers.

(A.18.23) (original acc. 01.1.2) Graham Family Geneology and Edith Storr Journal – Loc.A-H-10  –  Photocopies of death certificates for John and Mary Ann Graham, both 1903. One sheet of Mary Ann McFarlan/John Graham genealogy. Five worksheets of Denman pioneer arrivals on the island. Photocopy of a baby journal for Edith Deirdre Storr, born Dec. 11, 1914 in the home of John Doney and written by Angie (Maraquita Bush)?

(A.18.25) Denman Directory (copy)– Loc.A-H-10  –  A listing of Denman residents and their occupations for the years 1919 and 1929. As well a listing of postmasters from 1892 to the 1970’s. Also a handwritten copy of the Wrigleys directory for Denman of 1929.

(A.18.29) Edward Graham Correspondence Course – Loc.A-F-5  –  1903 – 1905 Rolled up, three certificates and one geometry worksheet from the International Correspondence School in Scranton Pa. awarded to Edward Graham who lived on Denman and was an oiler on the SS Nanaimo.

(A.18.41) Graham Family Loc.A-H10 –  Four pages from an album of clippings and photos mostly about the Edward Graham family. Clippings are from the 1960’s and 70’s while some of the photos are older. These pages originally belonged to Catherine Stewart nee Graham.

DORAS KIRK SUBJECT FILES – LETTERS sous fonds – 1960’s-1980’s – 1.0 cm. of textual material

(A.18.11.9)- Loc.A-H-10  –  Letters is a random assortment of about 50 letters and ephemera and notes relating to the running of the Denman Museum and to the collection. There are also notes on attendance and volunteers.

   DORAS KIRK DISPLAY FILES sous fonds  –  (1950 – 1985) approx..  –  20 cm. of material mounted for display in the museum

Doras Kirk’s collection forms the bulk of the Denman Museum and Archives collection. She lived on Denman Island from 1950 until her death in 2004. Her private collection was donated to the Denman Seniors and Museum Society in 1980.

The Display Files sous fonds is the portion of the collection that was mounted for display either in her private museum in her home or the general store, or in the current museum. Photos, clippings and ephemera are mounted on sheets of colored construction paper or heavy matt board. Most of this material dates from the 1970’s and 1980’s. Doras Kirk wrote many of the articles for the local press.

The sous fonds consists of;

(A.18.11.1) Native Culture – Loc.A-F-1  –  1.5 cm. of photos, clippings, text, and photocopies on first nations culture on and around Denman Island.

(A.18.11.2) Shipwrecks – Loc.A-F-1  –  1.5 cm. of  clippings, photos and text on the shipwrecks of the Flora (1903) and the Alpha (1900). Also correspondence and photos concerning the raising of the Alpha’s anchor (1972).

(A.18.11.3) Bell Lady – Loc.A-F-1  –  0.5 cm. of photos and text on the Bell Lady, Mrs. Myra Veness (1895-1993), a collector of ornamental bells. The museum no longer holds this collection.

(A.18.11.4) Ferries – Loc.A-F-1  –  0.5 cm. of photos and clippings on Denman Island ferries. The “Denman Queen”, “Catherine Graham”, “Albert Savoie”, “Billy B”, “Moniker”, “Kahloke”, and on dock facilities.

(A.18.11.5) Farming – Loc.A-F-1  –  0.5 cm. of  clippings and photos on Denman farms and their products, apples, turnips, tofu, ponies, bees, tulips. Also fall fairs.

(A.18.11.6) Logging – Loc.A-F-1  –  0.5 cm. of photos, photocopies, clippings, text and map on logging operations on Denman. Baikie, Kelsey, Isbister, Daye, McFarlan, Graham.

(A. Pioneers – Loc.A-F-1  –  0.5 cm. of clippings, photos,, text and one letter. The letter is from Katie Isbister to Doras Kirk, 1964. Pioneers named are Howe, Lacon, Swan, Stone, Griffin, Burrough, Phillips, Hastings, Isbister, Baikie, Piercy, McGee, Millard, Pickles, Graham, Corrigal.

(A.18.11.8) Seniors Hall – Loc.A-F-1  – 0.5 cm. of photos and clippings on the construction and opening of the Denman Seniors and Museum building (1981 – 1984), and on fundraising events. (A.18.11.10) Lace Club – Loc.A-F-1  –  0.5 cm. of clippings and text on Denman Lace Club (1919 – 1979) Elsie Spencer.

(A.18.11.11) Lord Denman – Loc.A-F-1  –  0.2 cm. of clippings, text and photocopies on the naming of Denman Island after Rear Adm. Joseph Denman and his father Lord Denman.

(A.18.11.13) Dora Drinkwater Library – Loc.A-F-1  –  0.2 cm. of clippings on Dora Drinkwater and the beginning of the library on Denman.

(A.18.11.14) Churches – Loc.A-F-1  –  0.2 cm. of clippings, photo and photocopy on the Anglican and United Churches on Denman.

(A.18.11.15) Elkhaven – Loc.A-F-1  –  0.3 cm. of photos and clippings of the Ormiston farm, later known as Elkhaven.

(A.18.11.16) Fillongley – Loc.A-F-1  –  0.2 cm. of clippings on Fillongley Park and George Beadnell

(A.18.11.17) Hummingbirds – Loc.A-F-5  –   one large sheet of photos and clippings on local hummingbirds.

(A.18.11.18) Cemetery – Loc.A-F-1  –  one sheet of text and photos on the founding of the cemetery.

(A.18.11.19) Graham Bros. Lumber – Loc.A-F-1  –  one sheet of Graham Bros. account with Mr. Pickles 1912.

(A.18.11.21) General Store – Loc.A-F-1  –  0.2 cm. of clipping, photos, and photocopy on history of the gene4ral store. Doheny, Lucas, Kirk, Pickard, Cheany, Ryall, Aitken, Brown, Crisp.

(A.18.11.22) Barns – Loc.A-f-1  –  one sheet of mounted clippings on Denman barns. Piercy, McFarlan, Ormiston, Bell-Irving, Nixon.

(A.18.103.1-26) Storyboards – Loc.shelf  –  26 storyboards (45 cm. x 45 cm.) of heavy matt board with clippings, photos, photocopies, text, drawings, maps on the following topics:

            1. Churches                                 10. Transportation                                 19. Herring

            2. United Church                        11. Ferry Service                                     20. Early Farming

            3. Anglican Church                     12. Sandstone Quarry                            21. Logging

            4. History 1860 – 2000              13. Shellfish                                              22. Logging

            5. Naming of Denman Isl.         14. Schools                                                23. Lighthouses

            6. The Alpha                                15. Schools                                                24. Petroglyphs

            7. Elkhaven                                  16. Photos                                                 25. Petroglyphs

            8. Early Farming                          17. Fishing                                                 26. Petrpglyphs

            9. Transportation                        18. Herring Fishing

These storyboards appear to have been mostly made around 1990 and are the second generation of historical display following the earlier displays on construction paper. Starting in 2016 a third generation has been made by Pat Kelly following the same topics for the most part. The range of topics covered by all the generations also tends to follow the layout of Winnie Isbister’s book “My Ain Folk” published in 1976 which in turn follows the format of the history written by the Women’s Institute”

DORAS KIRK SUBJECT FILES – LETTERS sous fonds – 1960’s-1980’s – 1.0 cm. of textual material

(A.18.11.9)- Loc.A-H-10  –  Letters is a random assortment of about 50 letters and ephemera and notes relating to the running of the Denman Museum and to the collection. There are also notes on attendance and volunteers.

REFERENCE – CLIPPING FILES, NEWSPAPERS sous fonds – 1920’s – 1980’s – 5.0 cm. of textual records

This sous fonds contains 5 items.

1. (A18.11.12) – Loc.A-H-10  –  Clipping File, Comox Free Press and other publications is 1.0 cm. of clippings from newspapers and magazines (1973 – 1988), not all of which are about Denman. Some of the topics covered; the Yukon, Hornby homes, potters, nature, Lady Rose and assorted other topics. They are enclosed in an envelope indicating they may have been collected by Peggy.

2. (A.18.17) – Loc.A-F-2  –  Comox Newspapers is 4.0 cm. of newspapers  including 7 issues of the Comox Free Press (1939-1944), 6 issues of the Comox Argus (1939-1944), and 1 issue of the Nanaimo Herald (1936). They are only in fair condition and have areas cut out of them.

3. (A.18.31) – Loc.A-H-10  –  Comox District Free Press, Centennial Edition is a commemorative edition of the Comox District Free Press from Aug. 29, 1962 celebrating 100 years of Comox valley history. The 14 pp. supplement has articles on pioneer history some of which cover Denman Island.

4. (A.18.88) – Loc. A-H-10  –  Clipping File – Lorraine Holt is a small envelope of 9 clippings (1971-1987) on various topics of Denman interest. These were likely originally collected by Doras Kirk and later set aside by Lorraine whose name appears on the envelope.

5. (A.18.100) – Loc.A-F-5  –  Farming Advice Scrapbook is a 23 x 28 cm. scrapbook (14pp.) whose pages are made up of pockets where clippings are tucked into. It is most likely from about the 1920’s and contains articles mostly on animal husbandry. There are 2 handwritten recipes for wine that appear to be signed A M Strange.

MAPS sous fonds – 1942 (1929) – one rolled map 45 cm. x 165 cm.

(A.18.28) or 90.1.1  –  Loc.A-F-5  –  This sous fonds is one map of a Denman Island land survey at 20 chains to the inch, first made in 1929 and then revised in 1942. It was drawn by T.F.G. It shows the physical features and roads of the island and the legal layout of the various lots on the island at the time (1942).