FLAGSTONE fonds – June 1996 – present (incomplete) – .5 M. of textual records

(A.18.52) – Loc.A-H-7  –  The Flagstone is a Denman periodical published monthly beginning in June 1996. The Archives holds almost all the issues to Dec. 2020 with exception of a few missing issues from the late 90’s.

Over the first 3 years the Flagstone was a 12 to 36pp. letter size folded, unstapled publication except from Sept. ’97 to Sept. ’98 when it was a 30×40 cm. folded newspaper.

The Flagstone is a community publication of news, announcements, opinion, fiction, poetry, comics, photos, ads, and letters.

It was first edited by Corinne Bjorge and the editorship has passed through many hands since. The current editor is Danni Crenna.

Some early issues in the Archives were found in the Museum collection and appear to have been donated by the library. The majority were donated by Patti Willis.

The Dora Drinkwater Library has a complete collection of Flagstones in archival storage (1996 – present). All issues have been digitized and are available in a searchable format in the museum.