Logging on Denman Henry Bay Logging Joe Fitzgerald using a Gilcrest Jack to move a log to the water. Joe came from California, chewed tobacco, and had a scar on the back of his head which he received on the docks in San Francisco. He saw a drunk man beating up a woman and attempted to intervene by knocking the man down. The woman then turned and smashed a bottle over Joe’s head, knocking him out. When he came to, the couple had disappeared. He made his way to a doctor to get stitched up, and swore to never help a woman again.This log was moved out of the forest using a humdergen, a home made railway, and contains 4,230 board feet of lumber. Logging crew on DenmanL.-R. sitting Thomas Piercy, Fred Larson. standing unknown, Jim Piercy, Joe Thomson, Mike Watts, Fred Curran, Jim McRoberts, Harvey Piercy, unknown Logging the north end of Denman 1907The first steam donkey on Denman Island owned by Howard McFarlanIncluded in the photo are: Stanley Piercy, Alby Graham, Howard McFarlan, Mrs. Monty Wade (Vina Swan), Irene Graham (child), Mrs. Alby Graham (Minnie Swan) with Dorothy (babe in arms), Swede Hanson with dog, Jimmie Graham, Jack Wood, Johnny McKenzie, Nick Baylo, George Cliffe, George Wood, Joe Fitzgerald, Sandy Swan, McDonald, Frank Stewart. Frank Stewart skiding logs at Henry Bay Fallers at Henry Bay Skidding a log 1903Howard Fairbairn, Jack Chalmers, William Baikie and Ray Chalmers Logging by handL. – R. Howard McFarlan, Nick Baylo and his dog, Jack Woods and Sandy Swan on springboards Log dump Henry BayEddie Stewart, Joe Fitzgerald, Frank Stewart Baikie Bros. Logging truck 1947 Share this:FacebookX