TREE FROG RADIO fonds – 2004- 2018 ongoing – 2.0 cm. of textual records and graphics
(A,18.68.1-4) – Loc.A-H-9 – Tree Frog Radio fonds is broken down into 1. Organization This contains emails, budgets, instructions around setting up the station in the first year. 2. Fundraisers contains posters and emails promoting yearly fundraisers for the station. 3. Schedules contains photocopies of some of the schedules of shows over the years as well as a listing of all the shows and DJs over the years. 4. Stories contains anecdotes of peoples experience at Treefrog and a brief history of Treefrog from Ron Sakolsky’s book on pirate radio.
The station broadcasts on 89.1 FM from a pirate location. The number of programmers has ranged from half a dozen to about 25 at any one time, presenting shows covering a wide range of music and talk.
(A.18.117) – Loc.A-F-4 – “Schtick With Us” is a CD of a “Schtick With Us” radio show on Tree Frog from Feb. 24, 2008, performed by Lee Andra Jacobs and Jerry Millar.
RAVEN COAL PROTEST fonds – 2011-2012 – 0.5 cm. of textual records
(A.18.67) – Loc.A-H-9 – Raven Coal Protest is photocopies of posters, maps and news articles from local papers around the protests against the development proposal by Compliance Coal for a coal mine in behind Buckley Bay and Fanny Bay. A 52 pp. zine “No Fire in the Hole” and a 24 pp. zine “No Compliance” are also included. Raven Coal eventually withdrew the application.
This material was donated by Ron Sakolsky.
DENMAN ISLAND RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION fonds – 1975 – 2018 ongoing – 0.2 cm. of textual records
The Denman Island Residents Association (DIRA) is Denman organization registered as a non- profit in 1975. It was originally named the Denman Island Ratepayers Association. DIRA’s mission is to further the welfare and interests of the residents of Denman Island and to administer tax monies through the various DIRA committees. At present the committees are Bill Mee Park & Boat Launch, Community Dock, Graham Lake Swim Dock, Internet, Marine Guardians, Old School, Parks, Trails, Pesticide Free, Waste Management, and Wildlife Advisory. The DIRA archives consist of approximately 4.0 M. of records stored by DIRA in the basement of the Old School. They contain financial records, correspondence, minutes and other material concerning the running of the organization from 1975 to the present. The storage at the Old School seems to be fairly secure and safe at the present time. To access the DIRA archives contact the president, currently Ron Sheppard. The Museum and Archives holds only one item pertaining to DIRA.
(A.18.109) – Loc.A-H-1 – DIRA Correspondence is 3 letters written by Bill Walton on Community Plan, by Wes Piercy on proxy vote, and by Jayne-Anne O’Reilly on road maintenance.
DENMAN ISLAND UNITED CHURCH fonds -1889-2018 ongoing – 0.3 cm. of textual records
The Archives holds one item:
(A.18.87)- LocA-H-10 – Our Church on Denman Island is 14pp. letter size, stapled booklet outlining the history of the United Church on Denman Island. It lists the ministers over the years, the history of the building, women’s groups, Sunday School, and Memorials as well as describing some of the activities and events over the years. The history was written by Mrs. Pearl (Cliff) Grieve in 1989.
ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION – DENMAN BRANCH 234 fonds – 1949- 2000? – 1.5 cm. photo album and 0.1 of textual records and 2.0 cm. book and one poster
This fonds consists of 4 items:
(A.18.80) – Loc.A-B-1 – Legion Album is a 24 pp. (25×28 cm.) album of photos, both colour and black and white of various Legion events held on Denman from 1963 to 1998. These include 1980 installation, 1981 Cemetery cairn, Remembrance Day 1987, 1990 installation, 50th anniversary 1998, a photo of members from 1963 and some other ephemera.
(A.18.57) – Loc.A-F-2 – Legion Branch 234 founding charter is the original large (35×50 cm.) formal document issued by the Canadian Legion on June 4, 1949 founding Branch 234 on Denman Island. The branch was disbanded in the early 2000’s due to falling membership.
(A.20.8) – table – Legion Br. 234 Minutes 1950 – 1989 is a 300 page hardback book (27×36 cm.) of the mostly handwritten minutes of the meetings of Legion Br. 234 on Denman Is. Included are 2 colour photos, 1 b/w photo, and 10 newspaper clippings incl. obits. See also Museum accession (00.2.1).
(A.20.17) – shelf – Legion Roll of Honour is a 56x85cm. poster of the names of members of the Legion from Denman Isl., Hornby Isl., and Union Bay likely from sometime between 1920 and 1950. It was donated by Marcus Isbister and is in Poor condition.
JR. GROUND OBSERVERS fonds – [1958-1959] – one 17×25 cm. photo
(A.18.64) – Loc.A-H-10 – Jr. Ground Observers is a black and white photo of the members of the Denman Island Jr. Ground Observers in approx.. 1958-59. The 10 teenage members and the 4 adults with them are named under the photo. The photo is taken at the Comox Air Base.
DIRCS is the organization which oversees the operation of the Community hall and the surrounding playground and sports field.
(A.18.66) – Loc.A-F-4 – Community Hall Renovation is a series of 85 photos of the 1989 renovation of the community hall and the associated fundraising. There are 13 b/w and 72 colour photos 7.5×12.5 cm. and one printed program from a fundraiser, a Scrooge play.
The photos were donated by Denise Mckeen.
(A.18.118) – A-F-4 – Community Hall Photos is 16 b/w 4”x6” reprints of photos plus negs. of the reconstruction of the Community Hall in 1989 taken by Brian Grogan.
The photos were donated by Stirling Fraser.
DENMAN ISLAND READERS and WRITERS FESTIVAL fonds – 2004 – 2015 ongoing -50 cms. of textual records
The Readers and Writers Festival is a committee of Arts Denman and produces a 4 day writers festival each July.
(A.19.03)- Loc.A-H-12,13,14,15 – Readers and Writers Festival Records contains minutes, correspondence, programs, financials, sponsorships, workshops, evaluations, reviews, and ephemera from festivals between 2004 and 2015.
The material was donated by the RW committee via Debbie Frketich.
DENMAN ISLAND SENIORS AND MUSEUM SOCIETY fonds – 1980 – present – 8 cm. of textual material and photos and plans and maps
The Denman Island Seniors and Museum Society (DSMS) was incorporated on Oct. 22, 1980 by the members of the previous Denman Seniors Society in order to house the private museum collection of Doras Kirk and to construct a building for Seniors activities. The land on which the building sits was donated to the organization by Dr. Tess Truman, the president of the society at the time who also spearheaded the fundraising for the building. Construction was begun in 1982 and completed in 1984. The present museum addition was opened in 1995.
The fonds consists of :
(A.18.36.1-3) Loc.A-H-1 Founding documents; letters, photos, plans, drawings, contracts, constitution, clippings pertaining to the organization, fundraising and construction of the Activity centre and Museum in the early years 1980 – 1985. There are many letters to and from Tess Truman.
(A.18.11.8) Loc.A-F-1 Doras Kirk – Seniors Hall Construction; photos of construction of the activity centre (gym) and fashion show and dinner fundraiser in the new building (1983) mounted on construction paper; clippings on the opening of the first phase of the hall (1981) and on the second phase, the activity centre, (1983-84) all mounted for display. Doras Kirk, Tess Truman, Lt. Gov. Rogers
(A.18.81) Loc.A-B-1 DSMS album of events; photos of construction of museum addition to the seniors building (1994): photos of Hawaiian themed fundraiser (1994); one clipping.
(A.18.94) Loc.Maps Air photo map of Denman village for DSMS (2011).
(A.22.15) Loc.A-H-11 – DSMS Minutes 2019-2021 approx. 100 pp. of minutes from DSMS meetings collected by Tony Gregson.
See also (A18.34.22) Loc.A-H-3 Seniors Hall and Museum in the Doras Kirk Collection and (A.18.34.6) Loc.A-H-3 Museums – Denman Isl. In the Doras Kirk Collection
DWELL DESIGN STUDIO sous fonds – 2011 – one map
(A.18.94) – Loc.Maps – Map – Denman Island Village Project is an air photo map of Denman village (downtown Denman) produced by Dwell Design Studio for the Denman Seniors and Museum Society. It contains proposals for a system of pathways for the village core. It is in colour and 60 x 90 cm.
DENMAN CONSERVANCY ASSOCIATION fonds – May 1991 – 2019 ongoing – 0.5 cm. of textual records
(A.19.13) – Loc.A-F-5 – “An Island Legacy” is an 15 pp. letter size coil bound publication from the mid 1990s. It has text, photos, maps, and illustrations outlining conservation efforts on Denman Island.
DENMAN ISLAND WOMEN’S INSTITUTE fonds – 1919 -1980 (predominant 1919 – 1960) – 1.5 cm. of textual records – 2 albums ; 12cm. (30×30 cm.)
The Denman Island Women’s Institute was incorporated on Oct. 31, 1919 and was dissolved in 1980. It was an organization of women that paralleled the already existing Farmers’ Institute on Denman. At incorporation there were 30 members. The Women’s Institute was involved in various social service projects such as the “Travelling Library”, improvements to the school, improvements to health services, “Alberta Relief”, supporting the war effort during WW II, donating to the Red Cross among many other initiatives. The group also organized many community events like the Christmas Party, and the Fall Fair as well as sponsoring many speakers and demonstrations of interest to a rural community. The Women’s Institute worked with the Farmer’s Institute to improve the phone system, hydro power, mail delivery, roads, and ferry service. When the Institute dissolved in 1980 they handed over their assets to the Denman Island Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion.
The fonds consists of 4 items:
(A.18.78) – Loc.A-B-1 – Women’s Institute Scrapbook contains the Certificate of Incorporation 1919, a short, handwritten history 1919-1959, roll call 1921-1931, Prov. Exhibition entries 1938, photos (22), ephemera, and clippings (60) 1938 – 1978, some written by Pearl Grieve and Trudy Vince.
(A.18.91) – Loc.A-H-10 – “Village History of Denman Island” prepared by the Women’s Institute for the Tweedsmuir Cup in 1949 based on notes compiled by W. Baikie and Mr. Dean in 1939-1940. Also a “History of Denman Island” – 16 pages, half typed, half handwritten. This item appears to be the precursor to the previous one. The “Village History” is a photocopy from the BC Archives. (A.18.71) – Loc.A-B-1 – A History of Denman Island written in 1939” 16 pages, a typed version of the above “History of Denman Island” with minor changes. The album includes 40 photos and 46 clippings (primarily 1958-1960) most of which are by Doras Kirk. There is also a small section on Hornby Island. This album is most likely the effort of Doras Kirk through the Women’s Institute. (Clipping File:Women’s Institute) ‘Women’s Institute History”, 17 page typed document which appears to be an earlier version of “Village History of Denman Island”. Three certificates 1929 -1976, Dora Drinkwater’s and Winnie Isbister’s Women’s Institute service pins, 12 clippings 1930 -1994, 3 photos 1920? – 1960?, one letter.
(A20.15) – Loc.A-H-12 – Women’s Institute History of Denman Island is a 26 pp. typed document produced by the Women’s Institute possibly for the Tweedsmuir Cup in 1949 based on notes from Winnifred Baikie (Isbister). There are various versions in the archives. See (A.18.91) and (A.18.71). Itforms the basis of the book “My Ain Folk” .
(83.37.1) – box – photo of Chief Andy Frank and Mungo Martin at Lewis Park presented to the D.I. Women’s Institute.
Note. There are photos of the last quilt made by the Women’s Institute in 1979 in (A.18.24) Loc.A-H-10 Billie Joe Imlach Letter
See also (A.18.34.33) Loc.A-H-3 Women’s Institute in the Doras Kirk Collection fonds
Title based on official name. In some cases it is spelled Womens’ Institute
All items found in storage in the Denman Museum 2018. Most of this material was likely collected by Doras Kirk who had a private collection from 1950 to 1980 when it was turned over to the Denman Seniors and Museum Society.
The BC Provincial Archives holds: minute books (1928-1980), cash books (1228-1980), membership book (1948-1967), and financial statements (1953-1977).
Winnie Isbister’s book My Ain Folk and Jim Kirk’s book My Ain Folk Revisited also have short histories of the Denman Island Women’s Institute based on the above material.
DENMAN ISLAND FARMERS INSTITUTE fonds – 1915 – 1954 n- 5.0 cm. of textual records
(A.20.7) – table – Farmer’s Institute Day Book of Blasting is a 300 pp. hardback book of member’s accounts for blasting powder and caps 1913 -1954. Also loose invoices
(A.20.10.a-b) – Loc.A-H-12 – Farmer’s Institute cash Books are two 50 pp. hardcover and softcover books of accounts, receipts and expenditures. 1923 – 1949. Poor condition.
(A.20.11.a-b) – Loc.A-H-12 – Farmer’s Institute Minute Books are two 200 pp. (hardcover and softcover) books of Annual Reports and Financial Statements of the Denman Farmer’s Institute, 1921 – 1938. Also loose letters and notes.
2 CDs audio interviews; 1 cm. textual records
Denman Island Women’s Outreach Society (DIWOS) was established to provide services to women in crisis experiencing violence on Denman Island. DIWOS maintained a crisis line, presented workshops, established a library of resource material, and aided women who were involved in court cases. They engaged more than 200 women in various projects and activities. DIWOS was begun by Ana Miriam Leigh and was active for 20 years until 2013 when Ana passed away.
The fonds consists of 2 CDs (A.18.111) – Loc.A-F-4 of audio interviews by Eileen O’Brian with DIWOS members Sandy Kennedy and Barb Heywood-Jones and Ana Miriam Leigh. Also (A.18.110) – Loc.A-H-9 clippings from Tidelines and from 2 websites and 1 email from Eileen O’Brian and a copy of “Stitches” 2015. Also (A.18.65) – Loc.A-F-5 two posters produced by Pat Kelly.
Note: Items which are not held by the Museum and Archives – poor quality video interviews of members made by Eileen O’Brian ; a large binder/notebook documenting workshops, grants, correspondence and events; an award given to Ana Miriam by the Islands Trust; incorporation papers; a production by Valerie Raoul.
Eileen O’Brian would most likely know the location of these items.